Our Point System

Throughout the year, you will have access to events that teach you practices that you can use as later on as a physician. We award points to help you keep track of the events you’ve attended. At the end of the year, the Top Point Earner will receive a free MCAT test prep course! The next nine highest point earners will be entered in a raffle for another free MCAT test prep course!

Please allow up to five business days for points to be updated for members. If you believe there is an issue with the points, please contact chiefofstaff@premedamsa.com.

For General Body Meetings

A member will receive 3 points for attending the general body meetings with 1 extra point for wearing AMSA Gear.  This includes any apparel that is sold or distributed by UCF Pre-Med AMSA. 

If a member, who attended the general body meeting, answers the MCAT Question of the Meeting, they will receive one point for answering correctly.   A member must answer before 11 PM that day.

For Events

For each thirty minute interval, an event will be worth 1 point.  If an event is not an even thirty minutes, the time will be rounded up to be thirty minutes.  (i.e. an event that is 45 minutes will be worth 2 points).

A member will receive 1 point for wearing “AMSA Gear” to events.  This includes any apparel that is sold or distributed by UCF Pre-Med AMSA. 

If the event exceeds 2.5 hours, then 5 points will be awarded with an extra point for AMSA Gear if applicable. 

For Tabling

A member may assist AMSA in tabling and receive one point per half hour of tabling with a maximum of 3 points.  Wearing AMSA Gear is an extra point.  

If there is a bake sale associated, you can earn 2 points for donating a baked good.

Social Media

Members can receive up to 5 points for following us on social media.  This includes 1 point each for following us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and Knight Connect.  To receive the points, members must email screenshot proof to chiefofstaff@premedamsa.com


Academics may give out points for attending or completing activities that encourage students to improve their academic abilities.  These points will be similar to event points in terms of time duration. They will be approved and reviewed by Chief of Staff prior to announcement. 

Academics may also offer one point for participating in a course database.  

Career Development 

Career Development may give out points for attending or completing activities that encourage students to improve their career readiness.  These points will be similar to event points in terms of time duration. They will be approved and reviewed by Chief of Staff prior to announcement. 


Knight-Thon may give out points for attending or completing activities that will help Knight-Thon be successful.  These points will be similar to event points in terms of time duration. They will be approved and reviewed by Chief of Staff prior to announcement. 

Attending Knight-Thon for the whole duration is worth 10 points.

Relay for Life 

Relay for Life may give out points for attending or completing activities that will help Relay for Life be successful.  These points will be similar to event points in terms of time duration. They will be approved and reviewed by Chief of Staff prior to announcement. 

Attending Relay for Life for the whole duration is worth 10 points.  If attended in increments, the normal point rules apply. 

Wellness and Student Life 

For attending IM sports games, members will receive two points per game. 

Donation Drives

A member may donate to a donation drive and receive one point per two items donated for a maximum of four points.  


Attending a partial proceeds is worth three points. The receipt from the partial proceeds must be emailed within a week of the event.


A member will receive one point for submitting to the newsletter and another point for being chosen for publication.  This is for a maximum of five points per semester.


Sending a photo that you take at an AMSA event is worth one point. This can be done for up to 10 points.

A member will lose points if they RSVP to an event and do not attend.  If an RSVP must be changed, the member must email the affected directorship and give notice 24 hours in advance.  


Let us know if there’s anything you need to be clarified! 

Shreya Pawar chiefofstaff@premedamsa.com

Become a Distinguished Member!

AMSA members can earn points at every event and these points can help certain members have special status! Once a member has reached earning 100 points for the year (by April 2, 2024) this member will become a "distinguished member." With this status, said members will have priority for certain events where space limited such as our annual trips and workshops, special recognition at our end of the year banquet as well as the opportunity to run for our Executive Board for the following year.