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Volunteer Event: VUCF Knights Give Back

  • UCF Student Union Patio 12715 Pegasus Drive Orlando, FL, 32816 United States (map)

Join us with Volunteer UCF (student led organization on campus) to give back to our community by volunteering at Knights Give Back Event. This day of service has multiple options to volunteer for 3 hours with other UCF students and a volunteering director. Breakfast/Lunch will be provided.

Closed toed shoes, comfortable shirt/pants (don't mind getting dirty), RSVP (will not accept students who are not RSVP'ed by the day before 6pm) Link to sign up:

Volunteer UCF will provide 3 hours of volunteering if anyone needs a signature.

Points: 5 +1 w/ shirt

Earlier Event: October 4
Service Learning Trip Interest Meeting
Later Event: October 9
Vitals Workshop